..other LF accessories
So the camera and the lens choice were simple (yeah, right) but that isn’t where it all stops. I’ve got to make sure I get all of the other bits that make the camera work of which the following list is a small selection
Tripod Mount
Dark Cloth
Quick Load Back
Filter Holders & Filters
Cable Release
The tripod mount had to be an Arca Swiss so I could use it with my RRS BH55 Ball head. After a little research (and a failed bid on ebay for the wrong one) I found that RRS recommend the B22 for the 45SU and I ordered one on ebay two days ago (I also ordered a new L plate for my 5D that has the lug for a wrist strap. I modified my 20D RRS Plate to be able to attach a wrist strap and much preferred that setup over a neck strap).
The Dark Cloth could be anything from an Ebony Special to the T-Shirt. I’ve even heard of people using dracula capes (don’t worry Charlotte). On one forum I found a link to the Black Cloth which is a specialist company (individual?) from America that makes custom dark cloths made out of breathable material that is very dark and setup to allow easy access to the ground glass for focussing. Take a look at Black Jacket from QuietWorks. Keith Walklet from QuietWorks was very helpful over email and gave me two options (after asking what specific camera the jacket was intended for). He also sent a diagram and the following text.
The red and blue paths would work fine with a 32″ neck. They also have the advantage of not requiring the use of the BLACKBAG but face other issues:
Excessive rear tilt may force the neck off the camera back with the red path. With the blue path, you may find that the neck gets in the way of the film holder (if you leave it on during an exposure).
The yellow path, which includes the rear standard, would be best matched with a 40″, but will require you use the BLACKBAG feature to block the light coming between the base and rear cabinet.
So, the 40″ would give you a little more flexibility on how it goes on.
For some additional perspective on the matter, watch this video:
The video illustrates use with a monorail, but the approach with a larger neck on your camera is similar.
I went for the 32″ to try to keep things neat as I like to keep things as quick as possible to setup. If I’m wrong, I’m happy to spend the money on a second one as Keith has been very helpful and charges a reasonable price for a custom product.
Loupes come in many multipliers from 2x to 10x. I asked David Ward, Joe Cornish and Stuart from Robert White about which they would recommend and all said the 4x although it was mentioned that a 6x could be useful. Robert White recommended the Schneider loupe and also mentioned that the 6x loupe is a better optic that the 4x would be more than good enough if you eyesight was fine.
The Fuji Quickload back seems like a standard choice and I saw one on Ebay that was selling for £100 with a pack of old Velvia and a also a pack of Acros (from the same guy who sold the lens). I had to convince my wife to buy a new fridge to put it all in though (she still thinks it’s for food for some reason).
I have a lee filter set anyway although only in 0.6’s and 0.9’s. I need to get 0.3’s and probably 0.45’s before I go on holiday. David Ward also recommended the 81a, 81b and possibly an 85c depending on new Velvia reciprocity (see David’s blog for a comparison between old and new Velvia).
The final item that I nearly forgot was lens cables, which Robert White recommended the Horseman. I’ll probably order the 50cm one.
So that should be it. I’ll be ordering the Camera, cable, loupe and grads/81s on Friday so we’re close to beginning now