2 August 2007

..and back again

And so the Ebony is back again today. It arrived this morning and a quick check showed that it was all working well, if a little sturdier (tighter) that the one I had first. This evening Charlotte asked if I would like her to make a dark cloth for me out of some lightweight synthetic velvet she has left over. Obviously I can’t turn down a great offer like this and so we designed a small, tube based dark cloth with a single hole for access to the ground glass. I’ll get a photo together when we make it up tomorrow night. In the meantime, I’ve been back on the website for David Ward and adding a simple sales enquiry system to the site. This should allow customers to put together an order for framed, unframed or card style pictures and for it to be manageable using the administration system.

I also spent some time reading an excellent thread about contemplation in large format photography which I found through the ‘Contemplate – Musings on Photography’ website. My take on this is that any format can be used to get to the area of the photograph, but it’s very difficult to make an accurate composition on the viewfinder of most SLRs – not impossible though. The ground glass of a large format camera gives the photographer a real window into the picture they are capturing. The fact that it’s a different, slower process is just something that can nudge people into a different way of taking.

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3 Responses to “..and back again”

  1. On January 8, 2008 at 12:10 am