10 August 2007
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David Ward’s Website

I got to show David Ward his new website yesterday and he seemed quite happy with the way it was all coming together (although I think he was dreading the amount of writing he was going to have to do on top of finishing his new book). I wrote a new feature for the site that inverts the view from a black background (good for pictures) to a white background (good for reading text) which went down well. Although it seems a little gimmicky it’s actually really nice to be able to switch.

I was quite worried about showing him the pictures I’d added of his as part of the process involved rating the images (for various ordering algorithms). Obviously going through and rating the whole of someones portfolio is a little cheeky to say the least but I think I didn’t make too many faux pas (like ranking his favourite photo ‘null points’ for instance).

Hopefully well get a site launch in the next month or so.

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