Jeremy Visits and The Dark Cloth
Jeremy visited today, just after I received my new focussing screens for The 5D. Swapping the screens over was dead simple and working with a 5×4 crop on the 5D is wierd but strangely pleasing.
After playing around with compositions using the Ebony the night before, I realised quite how scary it is to tip the whole camera over whilst you are trying to find yourself good camera positions. To this end, the 5D is now going to lay an extended Large Format support role in that it will be use to do the initial scoping of shots and also be used whilst getting the camera/tripod into a good starting position. I’ve been reading about some people using the 5D as a metering tool but I think I’d still like to use the spot meter (Although a combination of the both might be interesting, I’ll have to think about that).
Jeremy was a great guy and I’ll be working with him on the development of an online gallery webiste system to promote and provide central, audited print & framing services for photographers who would typically not get that type of exposure. I showed him the new David Ward site (which now has full checkout built in) and he was suitably impressed. Especially with the ‘invert’ button; although he did prefer white on black apart from the blog and article pages.
As the evening wears on I’m receiving my wifes tuition in sewing so I can make my own simple dark cloth using some off cuts of synthetic crushed velvet which means we should be out taking photographs sometime tomorrow. I’ll get some pictures of the final item tomorrow.