Exposure Record – take 2
The first version of the exposure record turned out to be less easy to use than expected and I also started using EV to calculate exposure (which I would highly recommend).
The second version includes a space to draw a quick sketch of the subject matter, on which can be placed EV measurements. It also includes spaces for reciprocity readings (and a little recipocity table for velvia at the bottom).
This table has proven very useful during the Scotland trip and the only screwed up exposures so far have been down to either me panicking about not having enough light to get back (and curtailing exposure prematurely), not reading very low light well (below 1 EV) and finally suffering from too much wishful thinking regarding the dynamic range of Velvia. The remaining exposures have mostly been OK and also, because I have made very good notes, I can reassess exposure when I get back to check I haven’t made any obvious mistakes (which I have used a 2 or 3 times varying from a -0.5 to a plus 1.5).
Since the holiday I’ve reviewed the exposure chart again based on usage and realised that the sketch is the most useful item if you have time to do it and, along with the check list and general record taking, is sufficient to store all the information about exposure, filtration, tilt/shift/swing/rise/fall/warp/weft.
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