28 October 2007
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Gnass Quickload Holder

One of the most surprisingly useful gadgets that I purchased before our holiday in Scotland was a Gnass Quickload holder. This is a pouch that holds the quickload holder itself and upto 40 quickloads. It has a hook at the top and is intended to hang off your tripod when you are setting up and taking your shot. Having seen one in Jack Dykinga’s book and not trusting myself with lots of bits of sheet film and notes etc., I ordered the item from America (paying almost as much in postage as I did for the item itself). Despite having to wait over two months for the item (and phoning Justin Gnass a couple of times to remind him, both of which he said they’re just going out of the door) I was and am still very impressed. I should add that Justin was very polite and apologetic on the phone but it seems he’s not the most organised person in the world and although I don’t think he’s intentionally dishonest, he could do with being more open about timescales for delivery.

Anyway, back to the item itself. It’s made out of a strong nylon fabric and is very well stitched. It has two main pockets and a little pocket to hold the top of the quickload holder (as seen in the picture below).

I keep my quickload holder in the top pocket and the bottom pocket contains my quickload film and notepad and pencil. The pockets are fairly deep and I can move up to 15 quickloads up to the top pocket as they are taken.

The design of the holder is such that when it is closed, there is a velcro front flap that closes the whole unit. This does a fair job of keeping everything together. As can be seen, when the unit is opened, the two pockets are staggered to allow easy access.

This makes it a nice fit next to my camera and BlackJacket in the camera bag.. Anything that helps my workflow during the planning and taking of pictures is a welcome addition to my arsenal.

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