Monday Night and the Elgol Behemoth
Monday night continued to be clear but as sunset approached, the clouds on the horizon crept over the sun. I waited around to see if I could get some twighlight shots and was intent on capturing the character of the large stone slab that must have broken off the ledge at the elgol beach many, many years ago. The first picture (shown above) was intended to be as imposing as possible and I also wanted to capture the texture of the surface of the water (inspired by Richard Childs picture of another part of the surface seen here).
The evening was also one of the lowest tides of the year and despite the following not being the best composition, I wanted to record the shape of the underlying rocks.
My final composition of the evening was from a position I had seen on the first night and came back to later in the holiday. The shape of the crack in the rocks appealed and I went on to take two more photographs around this structure.