11 November 2007
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Whitby Sands

We went to Whitby to check out some locations today. It wasn’t the best weather but it’s always good to know an area a bit before you have the real opportunity to take photographs.

Well with 40 gusting 50 winds and lots of sand around, the chances of me getting my large format camera out were minimal. However, I did take some 5D snapshots and scouted out the type of photograph I would like to take. The last time we went to whitby, there wasn’t a lot to see and I wondered how people could possibly take the beautiful shots I had seen (especially Melanie Foster‘s!).

This time I started to see the possibilities.. You see it’s all down to sand movement. Although the rocks around Whitby pier are beautiful, most of the time you can only see the tip of the iceberg. However, around stormy weather and with a receding tide, tonnes of sand can be removed, leaving the textured and coloured rock for all to see! The enemy of great shots however, are students.. In this case 1st year Geology students who were swarming over the rocks and sand like flies.. (I shouldn’t criticise them as Geology is an amazing subject).

There were parts of the beach that weren’t completely wrecked and I managed to take the couple of shots you see here in the 15 minutes spent on the beach before the rain came back again. Off the fish and chip shop and then a quick drive to sands end (mmm…. groynes!!) and check out the access road to Saltwick bay (people were fishing! nutters!) and then back home..

A little research on the Internet came up with the results mentioned earlier in that the best time to go would be as a storm surge is working it’s way up the North sea and just after a high tide.. Theres a couple of dates in December that look promising!

The previous day I played around in a small copse near my Brother in Law’s house.. Nothing to write home about, but obviously enough to blog about.. End result here..

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