15 January 2008
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Peaky Moss – A Trip With Dav

After spending the previous afternoon at Sutton Bank, Charlotte went off to visit relatives and I went out into the Peak District to meet up with UniB (or Dav Thomas as he’s know by non geeks). We’d chatted online and were both learning about large format and I’d expressed an interest in seeing the peaks and also in having a ‘hunt’ together.

The day turned out pretty dire (nearly non stop rain) but the location was great (near Padley Gorge I think – I should find out really). I was particularly enamoured of the silver birch forests that had grown back over what was once quarry land.

We stopped in the middle of an oak forest and in between chatting about cameras, photography, philosophy, websites, design, etc. We even managed to take a couple of shots. The moss was a winner in my eyes, so lush with the rain and so many varieties (species?). The top picture was very near Dav’s favourite dead tree stump and was just a rock completely covered by all sorts of bachytherms.. Getting the large format shot right was difficult because it was almost macro (0.9 bellow factor) and there was no obvious best plane of focus. In the end I went from the middle of the top of the rock to the middle of the front of the rock..

Later we found a wall that was crumbling and covered in lichen etc. The exposures were getting a little long at 2 minutes 40 seconds (reciprocity sucks) but hopefully the picture will be OK..

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