28 February 2008
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More Lee Lens Hoods

As a follow on from Lens Hoods and Filters, I received a standard hood (one slot) from Lee yesterday and tried it out with my various lenses when mounted on a 2 slot holder with tandem adapter as long as you don’t extend it fully (extension of about 12-15cm). All of the other lenses (240, 360, 500) work fine with any amount of filters and at full extension.

As far as polarising filters go, you can pull the standard hood to full extension, drop the filter (not mounted on ring) into the front of the hood so it nestles in the last but one fold of the hood and then close down the hood a little. This holds the polariser safely and work with the 150mm lens.

The standard hood comes with front slots but be warned that they cannot be used for normal filters. They are a bit wider (115cm) and so can only be used with custom made filters/masks. I tried a custom mask for my 360 which had a 2×3 inch(ish) hole in it but slotted into the holder. Whether this level of masking is really necessary is questionable. I shall have to do some more experiments.

I found an article that seems to suggest that my idea of masks to limit the image circle to only that necessary for the picture may have some merit. Follow
this link to an article by Robert Zeichner

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