3 February 2008
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Water in between Fresnel and Glass

This post is in way of a reassurance for people who may end up in a similar situation. Whilst taking photographs in Whitby recently, the conditions were very wet. Not only was it raining but the humidity was really high. All of this meant that my ground glass was getting covered in condensation (as evidenced by the main picture!) at one point, however, I started to get worried that the my ground glass was broken. The bottom left corner of it was completely black. Once I’d figured out it was water (by looking at the corner from an angle as the water had made the ground glass completely transparent) I then wondered if it would do any permanent damage.

Fortunately I was reassured by a friend (thanks Mel) that you can unscrew the back of the glass and let the fresnel and glass dry out (don’t rub the fresnel if you can help it though, let it air dry). So there you go…

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