30 May 2008
1 Comment

Wild Stillness

Yet more gallery openings and again miles away from Leeds :-) This time it’s Joe Cornish’s turn at the Hooper’s Gallery in London (promo photos from the exhibition shown above).

Joe’s new work ‘mixes it up’ a bit with a large range of styles of photograph, from vista to intimate, primary colour to near black and white, high key, mountains, valleys, etc. I’d seen many of the pictures already, either as transparencies or as digital files but it was quite surprising how some of them became transformed when put large on a wall. Joe had a couple of prints enalarged on duralumin to 6′ x 4′ (ish) and both were stunning. It’s quite amazing the amount of pictures within pictures you can find when presented with such a large amount of information. The prints themselves gave you that feeling of being their, the peripheral vision working to pull you around the photograph.

My favourites from the show were a quite intimate shot of water flowing over a gap in some falls. The only evidence of the water being the slight reflections as it flows over the rocks and the green tint of the water itself. Another was a completely snow bound valley with a frozen stream running through it. The other favourites were a shot of Glen Etive falls with a boulder and what looks like quartz layering in the foreground and another shot of Budle Bay in incredibly soft, high-key light. Damn.. and another was of bending reeds in a loch with glowing light – and another, and another..

If you get a chance to see the exhibition, please do so.. I also got to see a few regulars and a couple of people I haven’t met before. Again the evening went far too fast and I had to dissapear off to the train station to catch the 9.30 back to Leeds.

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One Response to “Wild Stillness”

  1. On October 9, 2009 at 11:07 pm