Featured Photographer : Dan Baumbach
I found Dan’s website a couple of years ago while I was starting out using a large format camera. His photography helped me to be confident taking pictures that weren’t instantly gratifying but that grew over time. Since the start of last year, Dan has been running a blog about his photography which I kept up with. When I decided to feature a few photographers on my website, I immediatly thought of Dan and had another look through his pictures and started to realise just what an influence he’d been. One shot in particular of a Chemise plant stood out when I saw his website some time ago and when I went back I realised that I had not only used a similar compsitional trick (merging foregounr and background to combine two elements) but the shapes of the featured object also had some similarity. I hope my shot lives up to it’s influences.
Dan is another large format photographer but who also uses a digital camera to capture shots where the large format isn’t feasible or to take ‘notes’ that can still be used as full pictures if they work out. Dan is also another ‘geek’, programming i-phone applications that can be found on his home page. Dan has worked as a full time photographer previously and, as is the case for many people, became disillusioned with his hobby when it became a living. I can certainly relate to this as music was a passion for me when I was young and I eventually got my dream job working as an A&R guy for a record company, only to burn out a couple of years later and in the course of doing so, ruin my love of music. I’m only just picking that passion back up again in a small way, ten years later. Hopefully Dan is back in love with photography (it certainly seems so from the pictures on his website).
Give yourself some time and take a look around Dan’s website and leave a comment somewhere on his blog..
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