18 October 2009

Catching Up!

Wow! So much to catch up with that I’m a little scared of the computer at the moment. As you probably know if you’ve been reading previous posts, I went to Eigg recently with a few other strange photographers (by strange I mean we use film cameras where you have to pay for each picture you take. This may be a strange concept for some people but I’ll come back to that later). Following this, the company I work for went through a stupidly busy period where I didn’t do anything else for two weeks apart from write computer code and sleep. Immediatly after this Charlotte and I went on a two week holiday in Knapdale (family style holiday but with a bit of photography thrown in the mix). Now I’ve got the excuses out of the way, lets get back to business. I’ll try and summarise things by saying that Eigg was stunning but we were all laid down with flu and Knapdale was stunning, if hard work, and I got to learn a lot.

So I’ve got some writing to do .. I’ll try and get a daily report on the holiday (for my personal records and also to post a picture from each day of the trip and any lessons learned) and then I’ll write a little about some of the things I’ve been playing with such as sheet film, Portra negative film, roll film, developing my own film, drum scanners, alternative aspect ratios and a couple of book reviews (Joe Cornish, Jan Tove, Peter Dombrovskis). Hopefully that will get me to the end of the month and then I’ll have a little announcement about a new website I’ve been building (for another photographer).

So – best get back to the keyboard to try and churn out some content.

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4 Responses to “Catching Up!”

  1. On August 10, 2010 at 2:41 pm