21 July 2009

The Photograph is Somewhere

I was recently going through some old pictures and saw a ‘note’ picture taken whilst on a large format course. I was really surprised to see what the actual place looked like as my memory is now aligned with the picture that I took at the time. This really drove home to me how the opportunities in a location are not always obvious. In this case, I’m surprised I even tried to get a photograph with the state of the beach as it was (OK some of the sand mess in the foreground is mine). Bonus points to who can find the final shot in my gallery and I’d be interested in any comments on your reaction.

UPDATE: Well spotted by Gordon (OK it wasn’t too difficult). I’ve added the image to the right hand side underneath my ‘sketch’ image. I applied almost no potatoshop changes to this..

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4 Responses to “The Photograph is Somewhere”

  1. On October 7, 2010 at 9:03 am