30 October 2008

Glen Nevis and Twi-light

Ah… a better day! We headed up to Glen Nevis in what must be the worst weather for photography. Blazing hot sunshine without a cloud in the sky! Well this is a ‘holiday’ despite my obsession with photography and so I settled back and enjoyed the hike up the chasm into Glen Nevis, what has to be one of the most wondrous hanging vallys in the UK . My dad has rediscovered his enjoyment of photography recently and we pottered around taking pictures here and there with our digital appendages but it was way too bright even in the shadows..

As we got to the top of the valley, we found an amazing amount of quartz in the granite which had been scoured by glaciers and polished. One particular block of quartzite followed a line that was continued by the river down to the end of the valley and, despite the light, I had to try to make some sort of photograph. If anything, it was a good opportunity to try out Pro 160 negative film. So I took the picture above with digital and I’m still in the process of processing the results from the Pro160. I don’t think shot can ever look great but it’s definitely a composition I will be coming back to.

The shot was taken on my 80mm Schneider SSXL at f/32 and needed a compound tilt to get the focus along the rock correct. The first film I’ve got back was taken rated at 100 iso and the highlights on the rock are burnt out slightly.. I did take another couple of 160’s so I’m pulling these slightly to see what the results are like.. I also took a provia exposed for the grass to try to get a colour reference.. I’ll post again once I get these back and have a chance to post process.

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4 Responses to “Glen Nevis and Twi-light”

  1. On November 4, 2008 at 11:18 pm