A failed Storr attempt and Elgol Evening
Well you can’t say we didn’t try. At 4am we were up and in the car (you know you’re early when you wake up fishermen on your drive out of the house) and on our way up to the north of the island. 1.5 hours later we were at the foot of the Storr and there was a hint of light on the horizon and up til stopping the card, the view had been cloudless.. Unfortunately, as we looked up we could see some cover at the top of the hill… Never the less, and despite the cold and dark, we kitted up with gaiters, waterproofs and head torches and made our way up through the dark and forbodeing forest. About 5 minutes into the journey, the white noise we could hear revealed itself as rain and it seemed we might be in for a bit of a rough start. The climb was interesting but fairly hard and we got to the foot of the Storr to a howling gale, 30ft visibility and horizontal rain. Having got a large waterproof blanket and an oversize golfing umbrella, we retreated to the shelter of the forest and decided to see if we could wait it out. Two flasks of cofee, a couple of chocolate bars and two chapters of our favourites books and we concluded that this was a bit of a bad day again. Back down the mountain and drive back to Portree… And guess what, bloody sunshine!! Too tired to give a crap at this point, we drive back to Elgol.
The evening turned out a lot nicer but still couldn’t provide a sunset of any sort. I tried to find a more interesting portrait of the Behemoth and also a detail shot of the honeycomb rock that wasn’t cliched. I think I managed something interesting in the Behemoth shot, especially the green pool, but I should have positioned the Behemoth itself so it was falling into the picture (it was too dark to actually see much balance in the frame at this point – a crap excuse which means I was too hassled to relax enough to concentrate).