22 September 2007
1 Comment

Ingleton Waterfalls

So we went on a final ‘training walk’ before Scotland today and now are completely knackered.. We drive over to Ingleton and as we drove into Ingleton at 7am the sky was intense in it’s Magenta/Pinkness. The clouds were that settled rounded semi-thundertop shape that you only see in a morning and the valley was shrouded in mist. Unfortunately, it all went wrong about 20 mins later – just as we got to the start of our walk.

This sort of thing used to frustrate the hell out of me but it’s almost inevitably going to happen so it’s better to be prepared than it is to get stressed. This time I didn’t fancy getting Charlotte to stop for a 20 minute shot before we’d even got to the walk so I let it go, hoping that the light would remain. However, the walk was strenuous and intersting, up over Twistleton to get some blood flowing and then around the whole of the Waterfall route.

The right hand route down by Bezeley Falls was fantastic and that whole stretch was beautiful. Unfortunately the return trek cost us £8 and was like the M25 on a Friday Afternoon. I was hoping to use one of the new lenses but there were so many people around Thornton Force that I needed the 210 to make sure they were out of frame.

I’ve got the checklists printed out now and they proved very useful in recording my metering and I took a frame of new Velvia 50 and a frame of Velvia 100. As usual I took a digital shot immediatley after to see if I got my metering anywhere near OK.. Boring light but it’s more practise for when the light is good.

I also took a shot of Bezeley Falls with the 5D only (see below)

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One Response to “Ingleton Waterfalls”

  1. On August 10, 2010 at 5:08 pm