2 September 2007
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Valley of Desolation

Went out to the Valley of Desolation near Bolton Abbey in Yorkshire and managed to get a few shots.. I think I screwed up another shot by forgetting about the filter factor. I’ve made myself a checklist now so I don’t forget simple things like this. I took two exposures of the subject in question anyway (see photo below) so I think I may be able to push it the 1.5 stops it needs.

I’ve added all I can think of that might be important to my checklist and am still thinking about how to print this out.. I might try to get it spiral bound on stickers so I can put the details on the quickload. Then again, it might be better just to put the number on the quickload. Any ideas?

The Valley is a great location to take a walk is incredibly lush and green. So much so that the digital camera seems to suffer a little bit in getting a good colour reproduction (the greens seem a little too green and if you balance it, other stuff ends up too pink).

The good news is that my extra Velcro on the BlackJacket worked a treat and I could nearly see the whole of the 80XL even with the dramatic light drop off in the corners. Some people have said that using a centre filter has a dramatic effect on the apparent ground glass brightness of this lens and personally I don’t see it. The centre of the frame does get darker but it’s not really significant. I think if you have a good darkcloth, focussing at f8 shouldn’t really be a problem so the equivalent f6.5ish with no light fall off is pretty damn good. The above was taken at f13 but my LF shot was f22 at 10s.. This should really have been about 25 seconds but I’ll learn hopefully.

The last photo here was a grab shot as we were passing a gate. I’m not totally sure about it but I do like the curve of the wall.

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