28 August 2007

Exhibition with Joe Cornish, Ashley Jackson and Graham Ibbeson

I am absolutely honored and humbled to be exhibiting my pictures with some of Yorkshire’s most celebrated artists. Four of my photos (which you can see elsewhere on this blog) are being exhibited at Three Albion Place in Leeds alongside a collection of Ashley Jackson’s exhibition pieces, some of Joe Cornish’s North Yorkshire photographs and Graham Ibbeson’s recent bronzes. In fact I feel a little embarrassed about it in some ways as I don’t feel I yet deserve the company but it is great to be able to see my pictures printed big (16x20s framed up with a 6 inch 3 ply matt). It took a very tiring Saturday to get everything printed and framed but it’s proved to myself that I can get ‘volume’ if I need to (although 4 pictures a day is pretty slow to a lot of people I imagine).

At the moment, the pictures are mostly my Hebrides ones, although I do have a Nidderdale picture. I will have to work hard to get some more Yorkshire pictures so I can keep the Theme.

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2 Responses to “Exhibition with Joe Cornish, Ashley Jackson and Graham Ibbeson”

  1. On February 9, 2009 at 8:33 pm