Camera Gone..
So Robert White have efficiently ordered a pick of my Ebony and it was taken away at 3pm today. I don’t feel so sad as I’m still waiting for the my BlackJacket and it should be back for the weekend (crossed fingers). If it is back, I’m planning on taking at least 5 shots each of the Fuji Velvia abd the Fuji Acros that I got with the Quickload back. This should get me over the ‘fear’. I also ordered a Canon ‘Black Mask’ focusing screen from Calumet America. As I’ll be using the 5D predominantly as a hand held 4×5 camera for finding shots and getting shots that I couldn’t with the Ebony, this mask will be very useful in ensuring I know what the crop ratio is. Hopefully this will arrive early next week.
One of the things I plan to do in order to be more open about my photography is to publish every image I take with the large format camera. This will mean that I can’t hide behind the volume of shots I take and that if there are any lessons to be learned from my mistakes, they will be very obvious. I intend to have multiple parts to my gallery pages that can be filtered to show ‘best’, ‘all’ and ‘include screw ups’ filters. I have thought about buying a small voice recorder to keep a record of all of the details of my photographs. I’ll continue thinking for now but in the meantime I bought a Moleskin (old school) and 2B pencil will have to do.