Following on from the previous thinking about reducing the scanning bill (and increasing the volume of pictures I’m happy to take), developing was next on the line to see if I can do it ‘in house’. This is partly motivated by money and partly motivated by my desire to ‘do everything’ if possible. There is also a little bit of “I don’t trust the UK mail system not to screw up when I send my best shot yet out”, which is likely to happen if I’m sending out to develop and then possibly to push and then to scan.
So, developing yourself when your wife has already said you can’t have a dark room sounds like a challenge. Fortunately it’s one that had been solved many moons ago. And moon is quite appropriate word considering that the main company who deals with developing supplied the equipment to process the moon landing photographs (my god, imagine being the techy asked to process those!). Jobo have a range of processing options, of which I used to use the simple drum processing for B&W when I was a kid.
However, with lots of film processing labs shutting down, some equipment is going cheap. I was originally looking at the Jobo CPP processing bath and had researched it and seen prices of about 500-700 pounds for a full kit second hand. However, discussing this with Baxter raised the possibility of getting one of the fully automated units which are now changing hands for £300-£400. The photograph above shows a Jobo ATL 2300 which is a fully automated processing unit that would fit comfortably in our garage (it’s only 22″ deep – thanks for the measurement Baxter).
This would mean that processing would come down to 50p per sheet (and no surcharge for pushing). Lets say I take 30 pictures per month and that half of these I take a spare to possibly push. Thats 45×12 = ~500 shots per year. If I want to have a basic scan of half of these and a proper scan of 20 of them this would end up costing 250*£2 + 50*£2.50 = £625 (processing and pushing a few) plus 250*£6 = (£1500) plus 20*12 = £240 for a total of £2365 not including postage. So we could say £1900.
If I do my own scanning and developing, this would be 300*0.5 = £150. This seems to be a no brainer to me.. It would also mean I could now take a LOT more pictures and hence would learn a lot faster too..
Even if I say I only take 10 pictures a month and always take a spare (if I only take this many I want to get them right). This is 1202 + 602.50 = £400 for processing (plus 80 for postage over the year maybe). And if I develop myself I get 180*0.5 = £90. Saving £400 per year on developing..
If I wanted these scanned it would cost 1206 and maybe 1012 = £840… phenomenally expensive.. So even at a conservative estimate I’ll be spending £1500 per year on film, developing and materials instead of £90 if I get the developer and scanner (with an up front cost of approx £1500).
So the next step is to try to find a good second hand ATL 2400 and the money up front to purchase.

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